: AgroecologyClient
: 11th Hour ProjectStarts On
: 1st February 2024Ends On
: 31st December 2024Location
: Nabdam & Bolga East
This project contributes to the achievements of the sustainable development goals. It will strive to help achieve no poverty, zero hunger, a decent work and economic growth and life on land. It will also contribute to responsible consumption and production, peace, justice and strong institutions and partnerships for the SDGs. Strong emphasis will be put on mainstreaming gender and environment in all activities.
Challenges & Solutions
Marginal farmers and landless workers in the agriculture sector constitute a major part of the population living below the poverty line and thus the strategic importance of agriculture in meeting food and nutrition security and providing livelihoods for a substantial part of the population deserves a special attention. Land reform has its implications beyond agriculture as it balances the power structure, both economic and political. In addition, low productivity, institutional bottlenecks in research-extension-farmer linkage, degrading natural resource base and depleting ground water, income inequality, female farmers’ precarity, difficulty for rural populations to access knowledge and technologies have been identified as key constraints facing the agriculture sector.